Tuesday, October 23, 2007

An Alternative Quiz

Copy the quiz onto a word document and start writing.

There are no right or wrong answers to this quiz, write down what you think and we will see how many people think the same!

1. Name a household chore done at least once a week?

2. Apart from a waltz name any other type of dance?

3. Name a dangerous instrument for a naked musician?

4. Name an irratating or annoying habit.

5. Name an excuse for leaving a party when you are not enjoying it.

6. Name somewhere where you would see a NO SMOKING sign.

7. Name the most attractive feature in a man.

8. Name all the colours of the rainbow.

9. Name something often smuggled through customs.

10. Name something a man likes to show off.

11. Name a famous painter/artist living or dead.

12. Name something you like doing that is not good for you.

13. Name your favourite day of the week.

14. Name a job you'd hate to have.

15. Name the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning.

16. Name something that is considered bad luck.

17. Name a state in America.

18. Name something that would embarrass you.

19. Name a play by Shakespeare.

20. Name a musical instrument you could easily play in the bath.

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